An Quick Guide of How to Insert PDF into Word for Free


In today’s paperless society, it has become necessary to insert a PDF into Word documents. Microsoft Word has a tool that allows users to insert a PDF In this article you will discover that inserting can be easy to do even if you are a novice.

Along with easily understood directions, I will list 6 different methods to insert PDF to Word as a Word document, an image, an embedded or linked object with Google Docs and Microsoft Office. When you finish reading this article, you will be inserting PDF documents into Word like a pro.

Method 1. Insert PDF to Word as A Word Document

First, you will need to convert your PDF to a Word document. EasePDF is a simple and easy way to do this.

EasePDF offers the easiest way to insert a PDF into Word for free within seconds, either in an editable format or as an image (see Method 3). As EasePDF converts the PDF file to Word format, we will also extract the content from the original PDF to a Microsoft Word document. In this way, you can also easily copy, remove, or add contents into the document.

We also offer a few other tools to help make your work with PDF files even much easier, including Word to PDF, which can convert your Word files back to PDF; Merge PDF, which can combine PDFs into one file; Compress PDF, which can reduce the size of your PDF.

Now, follow this simple guide to convert PDF to Word before inserting it to another Word document.

Step 1. Go to PDF to Word Converter on EasePDF and upload the PDF file that you wish to convert to Word document.

EasePDF Upload PDF Files

Step 2. Once you have uploaded the PDF it will convert the PDF.

Step 3. Once it has processed it will give you a link to download the document. Click the "Download" button to save it to your local device.

EasePDF PDF to Word Download

Step 4. After you have converted your PDF to a Word Document, open the Word doc you want to insert a PDF into with Microsoft Office or any other Word processor like WPS.

Step 5. Place your cursor where you want the PDF to appear and select "Insert" on the top toolbar, then choose "Object". Then select "Object", again.

Microsoft Word Insert Object

An option pop up menu will appear. Select "Create from file", then select the converted PDF doc. Your PDF doc will then appear in your Word doc.

Microsoft Word Insert Object Browse

Method 2. Insert PDF into Word with Google Docs

Step 1. First, you need to open your Google Docs account. Then click on "New" and then "File Upload". Select the PDF you wish to upload.

Google Docs Add File

Step 2. Once you have uploaded the PFD to your drive, right-click on the PDF file and select "open with Google Docs".

Open PDF With Google Docs

Step 3. Go to File and choose "Download". Choose "Microsoft Word (.docx)" and it will be downloaded as a Word document. Be sure to save it in a location that you can easily find. Once it has been downloaded you can simply insert it into your Word document.

Google Docs Download As Word

Please Note: when you convert a PDF file into a Word document with Google Docs, it will be converted without some of the original formatting, such as lines, images, and page breaks. With EasePDF in method 1, there are no such problems.

Step 4. Open the Word document you want to insert PDF into with Microsoft Word, then follow step 5 in Method 1.

Method 3. Insert PDF to Word as An Image

First, you will need to convert your PDF into an image. I suggest using EasePDF to convert your PDF to JPG.

Step 1. Click the "Add File(s)" button to upload the PDF document you want to convert.

Step 2. Once you have uploaded it EasePDF will begin to convert your PDF.

Step 3. Once the process is complete, it will give you a link to download your JPG.

EasePDF PDF to JPG Download

Step 4. Once you have converted your PDF document into a JPG, open the Word document you want to insert the PDF into.

Step 5. Place your cursor where you would like your PDF to be. Select the "Insert" tab > "Pictures" > "From File".

Microsoft Word Insert Picture

The "Insert Picture" dialog box will open up. Select the JPG version of your PDF and then finally choose "Insert". The JPG of your PDF will then be inserted.

Method 4. Insert Text From A PDF File to Word

There are two different ways you can use to insert text from a PDF file into a Word document. The first way is you can use the "Insert Object" tool.

Step 1. Place your cursor where you would like the PDF document to appear. Go to the "Insert" tab on the menu bar.

Step 2. Under the text option select "Object".

Step 3. Then Select "Text from File".

Microsoft Word Insert Text From File

Step 4. Then an Insert File pop up screen will appear, select the PDF file you want to insert then click "Insert". Once the PDF is finished converting, it will appear in your Word document.

Microsoft Word Insert Text From File Open

Please Note: The original formatting and pictures from your PDF document will not be copied. If you need to insert images from the original PDF to Word, just follow method 1 and convert PDF to PNG or JPG first.

The second way is to copy and paste from your PDF document.

Step 1. Select the text of the PDF you want to appear in your Word document.

Step 2. Once the text is selected, right-click on it and select "Copy".

Step 3. Go to your word document and place your cursor where you would like the text to appear. Then select "Paste" and the text from the PDF document will be inserted.

Please Note: This method may not keep the original formatting from the PDF document. Some formatting options are not converted. You can try to keep as much of the original format as Word will allow by selecting the Paste drop-down menu then choose to keep source formatting.

Method 5. Insert a PDF Into Word Document as an Embedded Object

Step 1. Embedding a PDF as an object is quite easy to do. Once you have opened the Word document you want, simply go to the "Insert" tab.

Step 2. Then select "Object" in the "Text" group of options. The "Object Dialog" box will pop up.

Step 3. Select the "Create from File" tab. Then you need to choose "Browse" to select the PDF you wish to insert into your Word document.

Microsoft Word Insert Object PDF

Step 4. Finally, select "OK" to embed it.

Please Note: You can't embed a password-protected PDF into a Word document. You'll have to unlock the PDF before you try to embed the file.

Method 6. How to Insert A PDF Into Word as A Linked Object

When you insert a PDF file as a linked object, your PDF will appear as the first page of the PDF, but it's also linked to the original file. You can choose to display your PDF as an icon instead of a preview. Both options will open the PDF file when selected. Here is how it is done:

Step 1. Open the Word document you want to insert a PDF into.

Step 2. Place your cursor on the page you want your PDF to appear. Go to the "Insert" tab, select "Object". The object dialog box will open.

Step 3. Select the "Create from File" option. Choose "Browse" and select the PDF you want to insert into the Word document.

Step 4. If you want it to appear as a shortcut to the source file, select the "Link to File" option.

Microsoft Word Insert PDF Link To File

If you wish it to appear as an icon representing the file, select the "Display as Icon" option.

Microsoft Word Insert PDF Display As Icon

Step 5. Finally, select "OK" to add the PDF to your document.

Please Note: The changes you make to the PDF source will be made in the Word document when using this method. If this is not something you want to happen, I suggest you make a copy of the original PDF by using the Save As option.


We've listed 6 free methods to insert PDF into Word documents, mostly using Microsoft Word. You can insert the texts of a PDF, or insert it as an image, an embedded subject or a linked subject. If you have any suggestions or ideas for our article, please leave a note on the comment section, or contact us.

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