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How eSign PDF Works

eSign PDF
To sign ODF online, navigate to EasePDF eSign PDF tool and upload the PDF file you need to insert signature to.
Add Signature to PDF
You are able to add a digital signature to the PDF or create one through handwriting. Select and insert the signature based on your requirement.
Download PDF
After electronically sign the PDF, hit the "Save PDF" icon to download the signed PDF for preservation locally.

More about eSign PDF Tool

Simply Designed Interface

EasePDF eSign PDF tool is designed with an intuitive and easy-to-grasp interface, which enables users to quickly master the tool for inserting signature to the PDF files online easily without any software installed.

Customized Signature

EasePDF enables users to customize the signature they need to add to the PDF file. Users are able to freely select for inserting a digital text signature or handwrite an electronic one for adding to the PDF file.

High Compatibility

EasePDF is a well-developed online service for having high compatibility to function on all devices. No matter you are a desktop or mobile user, you can access EasePDF eSign PDF for adding a signature to PDF online.

Data Security

EasePDF will help protect the confidentiality of every uploaded file. By applying the 256-bit SSL Encryption, all files uploaded or created in EasePDF will be encrypted, and EasePDF will not use them in any purpose.

Auto Delete from Server

To protect data security, EasePDF also employs the auto-delete technique to remove files from its server every 24 hours. In this way, all the user data and files will be highly protected as well.

Cloud Connection

EasePDF can build connections with Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, which enables users to upload files from them or even back up to these libraries, enabling the files to be accessed everywhere as users need.

Why Choose EasePDF to Sign PDF Online?

EasePDF is a high secure platform that provides reliable PDF solutions to every user. By adding the encryption method and auto-deletion technique, user data and files security can be highly ensured. Additionally, the ability to work on all devices, smooth and quick performance, customized eSign process, etc. all make EasePDF eSign tool a reliable helper to add a signature to PDFs. Unlike many other PDF eSign tools that may require extra payment in using the eSign tool, EasePDF offers 2 free trials for every 24 hours. Every registered EasePDF user can get the chance to freely sign a PDF online.

Come and Sign up to start your journey

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. Am I able to batch sign PDFs?
Unfortunately, EasePDF only enables users to add a signature to one PDF each time for better control the output result. Thus, you need to eSign PDFs one by one if you have more to process.
Q2. Will my uploaded PDF be safe?
Absolutely. By equipping the 256-bit SSL Encryption and the auto-deletion techniques, your files and data will be highly protected by EasePDF. And we will not use user data for any purpose. Thus, your uploaded PDF file will completely be safe.
Q3. How many times can I eSign a PDF online for free?
EasePDF provides 2 free times in every 24 hours for users to sign PDF online. When you exceed 2 times, you only need to wait for 24 hours and the free trial chances will be refreshed. Otherwise, you would be required to upgrade to the Premium plan for unlocking the limitation.
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